About Michael J. Martin

Artist Michael J. Martin B.A., B.Ed. works and resides in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan in his studio working on a variety of subjects from distinctive landmarks, landscapes, and commissioned portraits and pet portraits.

A University of Saskatchewan graduate, Michael earned Bachelor of Arts and Education Degrees on his way to certification as a teacher of Visual Arts.

He taught Art in rural Saskatchewan high schools as well as for the City of Saskatoon Recreation Department before starting private classes and opening his studio in 2003.

Michael’s portraits, landscapes, and cityscapes are known for his strong style of realism and technical expertise. Artworks by Michael J. Martin are found in private collections across Canada, in Japan and the U.S.

“The uniqueness of Michael Martin’s style is variety and perspective as well as extremely accurate realism. Michael’s cityscapes contain an architectural flavor at times, and a flare for the innovative point of view at other times, while showcasing some of the city’s most interesting detail or historical design.”

“Michael is equally gifted in his landscapes, wildlife paintings and portraits with a talent for capturing the natural expression along with some of the most interesting formats.”

“Michael’s works are not merely paintings…they are captured moments in time. Priceless!”

Works in progress and completed artworks may be viewed in his studio (by appointment – see Contact page)